Sunday, 4 January 2015

Doxycycline and Steatocystoma Multiplex

After having diagnosed with SM, you know... one gets kinda paranoid and start thinking of all possibilities that may induce even more cysts. (lack of sleep perhaps? or maybe food allergy or even detergent???)

Anyways, I have been reading the forums and came across this post on a SM thread on Steadyhealth.

The person mentioned that his SM is caused due to Doxycycline allergy, and guess what!? I have recently been prescribed doxycycline for my acne!

My doxycycline tabs!

To cut the long story short, no, Doxycycline has no effect on my SM whatsoever, but that is not to discount the post from Steadyhealth above. 

What I gather from this is that for the majority of SM sufferers, external factors would have minimal effect on the condition as it is genetic. (so don't over think!) However, for those with sudden spontaneous appearance of SM cysts, then it may be an allergic reaction and thus a cause for concern!

Anyways, should you have any doubts, always consult your dermatologist (or you may choose to email me :) ). More often than not, they will tell you it is genetic.