Friday 2 December 2016

Eruptive vellus hair cysts

Sometimes, when a cyst come to a head by itself, I would squeeze all the contents out and realise that there are multiple small hairs embedded within as well. Then, I came across an interesting article.

I also read somewhere that there are people with SM cysts that has vellus hairs embedded within as well.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Is isotretinoin a cure? - Personal Journey (Part 2)

I was prescribed with Isotretinoin or more commonly known as Accutane for my acne last December. Actually, another purpose for me getting on the drug is to test its effects on my steatocystoma multiplex (SM) cysts.

I'm currently still on Isotretinoin and am planning to take it till Jan next year. I am on a generic version labeled Acnotin. The dose I'm on is pretty low; 20mg a day, so it's alright to take it for a longer period. The total duration would be a little over a year with a cumulative dosing of 130mg/kg, sufficient to eradicate my acne I hope! Haha!

 Generic version of Accutane, Acnotin 20mg

Back to SM. So far, there has been not much change with the cysts. They do seem to be closer to the surface, but that is probably due to the thinning of the skin caused by Isotretinoin. The cysts seem to be softer. A few (about 2 - 3) cysts has become inflammed but not erupted through the skin, and then they seem to slowly get reabsorbed and fade away. Weird, I know. Inflammations also take a much much quicker time to heal.

Isotretinoin 'works' on that very few cysts, depending on how one sees it. The number of cysts remain much the same and the effect is so limited that I have to say it is not a cure - all solution that one wishes for. However, a full conclusion can only be made till a few months after I finish the course on January.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Is isotretinoin a cure? (Part 1)

My research on the web for isotretinoin as a potential cure / treatment for steatocystoma multiplex didn't seem to be that promising. Most medical articles have shown varied results on the use of isotretinoin for the treatment of SM.

The first article states a possible adverse reaction with isotretinoin use, while the second shows that could be a possible delayed effect on the shrinkage of cysts.

Can isotretinoin or as it's more commonly referred to as accutane be a possible treatment of SM, aiding in the shrinkage and even full eradication of SM cysts? Personally, I have my doubts on that. Even so, I would guess only a small percentage of SM sufferers would see any beneficial effects while on isotretinoin.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Doxycycline and Steatocystoma Multiplex

After having diagnosed with SM, you know... one gets kinda paranoid and start thinking of all possibilities that may induce even more cysts. (lack of sleep perhaps? or maybe food allergy or even detergent???)

Anyways, I have been reading the forums and came across this post on a SM thread on Steadyhealth.

The person mentioned that his SM is caused due to Doxycycline allergy, and guess what!? I have recently been prescribed doxycycline for my acne!

My doxycycline tabs!

To cut the long story short, no, Doxycycline has no effect on my SM whatsoever, but that is not to discount the post from Steadyhealth above. 

What I gather from this is that for the majority of SM sufferers, external factors would have minimal effect on the condition as it is genetic. (so don't over think!) However, for those with sudden spontaneous appearance of SM cysts, then it may be an allergic reaction and thus a cause for concern!

Anyways, should you have any doubts, always consult your dermatologist (or you may choose to email me :) ). More often than not, they will tell you it is genetic. 

Friday 12 December 2014

A Case Report

Hi all, I have read through this case report on this 19 year old boy with steatocystoma mulitplex, and found it to be quite helpful to those who wants to know more about the condition. I have enclosed the link below.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Treatment options

It's been sometime since I have updated, sorry all but I'm kind of busy lately. Not to worry though, I will make it a point to continue to update this space.

I have come across this specific method for the extraction of the cysts. I will attach a link to the pdf stipulating the method below. You guys can discuss with your dermatologist regarding this extraction method. It seem to be a fast way (about 1 min per cyst), and outlook after surgery is good. Hypopigmentation with little recurrence, as the extraction method involves the scrapping of the sebaceous glands and extraction of cyst wall.

Of course, I won't be undergoing this just yet. But definitely I will discuss this with my derm should I seek further treatments.

To those who are interested the link is as such:,%20S.%20(2007).pdf

SM is not the end of the world, we can overcome this together :)

Saturday 9 August 2014

New Bumps!


Recently, I have found some new cysts on the upper portion of my lower arm. Damn those bumps!

Until next time!